

  • Orders are usually shipped within 48 hours (except holidays)
  • Our shipping range covers the whole world. shipping is free on  all orders 
  • The transportation time may take 8-12 working days. You will receive a confirmation email with your tracking number once it‘s shipped
  • Track your order

Free Shipping On Orders Above $50

Countries Delivery Time (Business Days) 
United States, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Singapore, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands 8-12 Days
Australia, Israel, Switzerland, Latvia, Italy, Canada, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Hungary, Croatia, Finland, Ireland, Norway, New Zealand, Thailand, Malaysia, Slovakia, Mexico, Vietnam, Lithuania, South Korea, Japan 10-15 Days
Austria, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Romania, India, Turkey 15-20 Days
Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan 20-25 Days
Expedited Shipping time 5-8 days


Due to differences in local logistics, the logistics delivery time in some places will be delayed by 1-3 Days. 

1. If the logistics are delayed due to the pandemic, you can contact the email to get shipping details. This is an uncontrollable factor, please understand. Thank you.

2. Other countries not on the list, please see the actual payment page or contact our customer service.

3. This table is for reference only, please see the exact shipping cost and delivery time on the actual payment page.

Wrong Shipping Information

  • If you have left the wrong shipping address or contact information, please get in touch with our customer service within 2 hours.
  • Please note that it is the responsibility of the customers to enter their shipping address correctly. We are unable to redirect to another shipping address after we have processed and shipped the parcel.
  • Contact us at