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Countries | Delivery Time (Business Days) |
United States, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Singapore, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands | 8-12 Days |
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Austria, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Romania, India, Turkey | 15-20 Days |
Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan | 20-25 Days |
Expedited Shipping time | 5-8 days |
Note: Due to differences in local logistics, the logistics delivery time in some places will be delayed by 1-3 Days. 1. If the logistics are delayed due to the pandemic, you can contact the email to get shipping details. This is an uncontrollable factor, please understand. Thank you.
2. Other countries not on the list, please see the actual payment page or contact our customer service. 3. This table is for reference only, please see the exact shipping cost and delivery time on the actual payment page. Wrong Shipping Information
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